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路德會沙崙學校校友獎學金 Sharon Lutheran School Alumni Scholarship
簡介︰ 路德會沙崙學校,由2018-19年度起設立「沙崙校友獎學金」,以表揚在本校畢業後升讀中學期間學業表現優秀的校友。
申請資格: 在本校畢業,並在2022-2024年度在就讀中一至中六期間於中期或期終考試取得 全級前10%全班首三名 的校友。
申請辦法︰ 符合資格的校友只須填妥申請表,附上相關的証明 (可以是本年度或上年度成績表副本),於6月15日前親臨學校遞交,或傳真、電郵、郵寄本校均可
傳真: 2398 1856
電郵︰ alumni@sharonlu.edu.hk
郵寄地址: 大角咀櫻桃街18號路德會沙崙學校 (請在信封面註明【申請校友獎學金】)
獎項︰ 全級前10%:獲獎學金500元及獎狀
頒獎︰ 獎項將於 2025 年 7 月 4 日 (星期五) 下午舉行之畢業典禮中頒發。
截止申請日期︰ 2025 年 6 月 15 日
查詢︰ 可致電 2392 0221 找鄧偉娟老師。
下載申請表格: PDF格式 | DOCX格式
Introduction: Sharon Lutheran School has set up the "Sharon Alumni Scholarship" from 2018-19 to recognize alumni who have outstanding academic performance during their studies in secondary school after graduation from the school.
Petition form: Alumni who graduated from our school and scored in the top 10% of the class or the top three in the class in the mid-term or final examination during the period of 2022-2024.
How to apply: Eligible alumni only need to fill in the application form, attach relevant certificates (this year or a copy of the previous year's transcript), and submit it in person at the school before June 15, or fax, email, or mail to the school.
Fax: 2398 1856
Email: alumni@sharonlu.edu.hk
Mailing address: Sharon Lutheran School, 18 Cherry Street, Tai Kok Tsui (Please mark【Application for Alumni Scholarship】on the envelope)
Awards: The top 10% of the whole class: a scholarship of $500 and a certificate of merit.
The top three in the class: a scholarship of $300 and a certificate of merit.
*If the alumni meet the above two requirements at the same time, they will be awarded a higher scholarship of $500.
Awards: Awards will be presented at the Graduation Ceremony on the afternoon of Friday, July 4, 2025.
If the award-winning alumni fail to attend the graduation ceremony, they may be disqualified from the award.
Deadline for application: June 15, 2025
Inquire: You can call 2392 0221 to find Ms. TANG Wai Kuen.
Download the application form: PDF format | DOCX format