家課政策 Homework Policy
家課的目的 Purpose of Homework
Allow students to consolidate what they have learned, extend their learning outside the classroom, or prepare for new topics to promote self-learning.
家課的作用 The Role of Homework
  • 加強對學習內容的理解,鞏固或延展課堂學習
  • 培養自學習慣及能力
  • 為新課題作準備
  • 讓學生了解自己的學習進度及問題,繼而尋求解決疑難的方法

  • Enhance understanding of learning content and reinforce or extend classroom learning.
  • Cultivate self-study habits and abilities.
  • Prepare for new topics.
  • Let students understand their learning progress and problems, and then seek solutions to problems.
  • 評估學生在知識、技能、態度和價值觀等各方面的表現
  • 找出學生在學習上遇到的困難,以調整教學計劃及策略
  • 提供適時回饋,促進學生有效學習

  • Assessing student performance in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
  • Find out the difficulties students encounter in learning to adjust teaching plans and strategies.
  • Provide timely feedback to facilitate effective learning.
  • 讓家長了解子女的學習進度和特質,以便能適時作出支援
  • 讓家長瞭解學校課程的要求,共同幫助學生改進學習

  • Let parents understand their children's learning progress and characteristics, so that they can provide timely support.
  • Let parents understand the requirements of the school curriculum and work together to help students improve their learning.
家課安排原則 Principles of Homework Arrangement
  • 家課形式多樣化,包括預習、資料搜集、強化/跟進練習、工作紙、自學小冊子、閱讀/寫作練習、毛筆書法、專題研習、創意/解難課業、口頭匯報、網上練習、温習等
  • 份量恰當,讓學生有空間作課外閱讀,及有餘暇參加其他有益身心的社群或課外 活動,以及有充足的休息和睡眠時間
  • 每天中、英、數三科均有適量的家課,其他科目則按教學情況而定
  • 老師在分配家課時,會留意該班當日家課表的家課量,必要時將份量作適當的 調整
  • 老師會按需要,在課時內安排時段,讓學生能在指導下完成部分家課(例如較有難度的課業)
  • 在照顧有特殊學習需要的學生時,教師會因應個別情況作出適當的家課調適

  • Various forms of homework, including preview, data collection, follow-up exercises, worksheets, self-study booklets, reading/writing exercises, brush calligraphy, project studies, creative/problem-solving assignments, oral presentations, online exercises, review, etc.
  • Appropriate portions allow students space for extracurricular reading, time for other wholesome social or extracurricular activities, and adequate rest and sleep.
  • There is a proper amount of homework for Chinese, English and Mathematics every day, and other subjects are determined according to the teaching situation.
  • When assigning homework, the teacher will pay attention to the amount of homework in the class's homework schedule for the day, and make appropriate adjustments to the amount if necessary.
  • Teachers will arrange time slots within class hours according to needs, so that students can complete some homework under guidance (such as more difficult homework).
  • When taking care of students with special learning needs, teachers will make appropriate homework adjustments according to individual circumstances.
家課量指引 Homework Guidelines
In order to balance the quality and quantity of homework and help students consolidate their learning and development so as to achieve the expected learning outcomes, the following is the amount of homework for each level under normal circumstances:

  • 一、二年級:每天不多於一小時
  • 三、四年級:每天不多於一小時半
  • 五、六年級:每天不多於兩小時

  • Primary 1 and 2: no more than one hour per day
  • Primary 3 and 4: no more than one and a half hours a day
  • Primary 5 and 6: No more than two hours a day

Since the circumstances of students (such as ability, family environment and free time at home) are different, each student's time for homework is also different. This is a general estimate. If individual students have difficulties, please contact the class teacher or the teacher of the relevant subject.

家長配合 Parents Cooperate
How children learn at home is just as important as how they learn at school. Since most of the homework is done at home, parents play an important role. Here are some things parents can do when tutoring their children at home:

  • 為子女提供適當的環境,預備足夠的文具,並消除影響他們做家課的障礙 (如噪音及干擾)。
  • 協助子女訂定做家課的時間。
  • 引導子女預先計劃完成各項家課的先後次序,培養子女的責任感及指導他們管理 時間的技巧。
  • 指導子女做家課時應重啟發思考而非直接提供答案。家長切忌代子女完成家課,以免影響他們的責任感及學習能力的發展。
  • 每天查閱家課日誌的內容, 並在上加簽。
  • 留意教師批改後的家課評語,有需要時向子女提供適當的指導,協助他們改進。
  • 培養子女有良好的課外閱讀習慣,並注意他們的作息時間。
  • 多為子女安排多元發展的活動,教導他們善用閒暇,適當地編訂作息時間,並避免讓子女到校外其他機構或地方作過份機械式的應試操練或過量的額外補充練習。
  • 家長如果遇到困難,可及早聯絡教師,共同商討解決的辦法。

  • Provide an appropriate environment for children, prepare enough stationery, and remove barriers (such as noise and distractions) that prevent them from doing homework.
  • Help children set time for homework.
  • Guide children to pre-plan the order of completing various homework, cultivate children's sense of responsibility and guide them in time management skills.
  • When instructing children to do homework, they should re-produce thinking instead of providing answers directly. Parents should avoid completing homework for their children, so as not to affect their sense of responsibility and the development of learning ability.
  • Review the contents of the homework log and add notes to it every day.
  • Pay attention to the homework comments after the teacher's marking, and provide appropriate guidance to the children when necessary to help them improve.
  • Cultivate children to have good extracurricular reading habits, and pay attention to their work and rest time.
  • Arrange multiple developmental activities for children, teach them to make good use of leisure time, arrange work and rest time appropriately, and avoid sending children to other institutions or places outside school for excessive mechanical exam-oriented drills or excessive additional supplementary exercises.
  • If parents encounter difficulties, they can contact teachers as soon as possible to discuss solutions.